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Learn to Read Nok-Syllables
BACK TO SCHOOL PROMOTION, 25% OFF!Along with Nok and his magical laboratory, you will be able tocreate objects after solving the correct composition of thewords.Use the syllable segments as a methodology for preschool andschool age children to begin to learn how to read. Each one of theactivities consists of three levels of progressive difficulty andprizes, with positive reinforcement upon correctly completing eachone.When the children have completed all the levels, they have theopportunity to activate the tournament mode. This is completing thesame exercises with a time limit. In this way, we combine thechallenge and prize component of the game with an educationalactivity.In the first activity, the children are invited to count thenumber of syllables in each word, presented in its illustrated andwritten form. In this way, we support the association of thegraphic representation, recognizable by the children, with itswritten representation, which they must assimilate in order todevelop the read-write process. Upon counting the syllables in aword, the child uses an already learned knowledge: the numbers, todivide the words into their phonemes; the first approach toreading.The second activity reproduces the first, but now in a morecomplete manner, the child is invited to distinguish the number ofsyllables in each word in order to choose the correct one.In the third activity, the child is invited to complete words thatare missing one letter or syllable. Thus the cognitive process isto associate the missing sound with its written representation,which has been developed with the prior activities.The fourth and final activity is the most complete, since the childis asked to build with the written letters or syllables each one ofthe words represented by illustrations. The child must match thesound of the word with its written representation.
Aprende a Leer Nok-Sílabas
¡Aprende a leer en el laboratorio mágico deNok! Acierta las respuestas y tirando de la palanca, podrás crearpor arte de magia más de 130 objetos. Nok y Niki te guiarán entodos los minijuegos y junto a ellos aprenderás a contar silabas,diferenciar palabras, completar y armar palabras, trabajando con 3niveles de dificultad. ¡Y si completas todos los niveles, podrásoptar al modo torneo, contra el tiempo, para ganarte las copas ysus bellas gemas!Utiliza la segmentación silábica como metodología para que lospreescolares y escolares comiencen con el aprendizaje de lalectura. Nok Sílabas es una aplicación para que niños entre 3 y 7años aprendan a leer.Características principales:-Puedes jugar en 4 minijuegos, con 3 niveles de dificultad cadauno.-Más de 130 palabras para completar o armar.-Minijuegos 1 y 2, te enseñarán a contar las silabas-Minijuegos 3 y 4 completarás o armarás las palabras a través desus sílabas.-Tienes 3 vidas para completar poder completar cada nivel.-Premios para reforzar el aprendizaje positivo.-Modo torneo, una vez completado todos los niveles, podrás jugarcontra el tiempo.-Sin compras dentro del juego.-Sin anuncios de terceros.Sobre Pitruf-GamesSomos una empresa dedicada al desarrollo de aplicacioneseducativas, tratando que los niños aprendan jugando de un modolúdico e interactivo. Nuestros juegos son seguros, no contienencontenido inapropiado y no incorporan publicidad de terceros . Siquieres conocernos o hacernos preguntas, puedes entrar a nuestrapágina donde encontraras material educativo en o en nuestro facebook : to read in themagic laboratory Nok! Guess responses and pulling the lever, canmagically create more than 130 objects. Nok and Niki will guide youin all the minigames and with them learn to count syllables,differentiate words, complete and assemble words, working with 3difficulty levels. And if you complete all levels, you can choosethe tournament mode against time to win the cups and beautifulgems!Use the syllabic segmentation as a methodology for preschool andschool start with learning to read. Syllables Nok is an applicationfor children between 3 and 7 years old learn to read.Main features:-You Can play in 4 games, with 3 difficulty levels each.-More Than 130 words to complete or arm.-Minijuegos 1 and 2, will teach you to count the syllables-Minijuegos 3 and 4 will complete or shalt thou set up the wordsthrough his syllables.You've got 3 lives to complete each level to complete.-Awards To reinforce positive learning environment.-mode Tournament, once completed all levels can play againsttime.Without purchases within the game.Without third-party ads.About Pitruf-GamesWe are a company dedicated to developing educationalapplications, treating children learn by playing a fun andinteractive way. Our games are safe, contain no inappropriatecontent and do not include third-party advertising. If you want toknow or ask us questions, you can go to our website where you willfind educational materials or our facebook:
Manuel's Socks-Nok Story Lite
Manuel is a friendly Okapi, who isembarrassedby his hooves because they are different. One day, uponwaking up,he realizes he does not have his socks on and goes out tofindthem, facing great adventures. It is a story that deals withtheacceptance of differences and reinforces self-esteem in a funandplayful way.Throughout the story, activities appear to stimulatethechildren’s reading comprehension. At the end they will be abletointeract with the characters won in the activities, creatingyourown imaginary characters!Principal Characteristics:-It is an animated and interactive story.-It deals with acceptance and differences.-Reinforcement of self-esteem and overcoming difficulties.-Reading comprehension activities.-Awards to reinforce positive learning.-Play creating new characters.-No purchasing within the game.-No third party advertisements which disrupt the developmentofthe activities.About Pitruf-GamesWe are a company dedicated to the development ofeducationalapplications, with the intention that children learn byplaying ina playful and interactive way. Our games are safe; theydo notcontain inappropriate content nor third party advertisements.Ifyou would like to meet us or ask us questions, you can go toourweb page where you will find educational material at or on our Facebookpage:
Hablando con Nok Demo
Especial para niños de 2 años en adelante, queestán empezando a hablar o que tienen problemas depronunciación.Junto con Nok podrás jugar con más de 90 palabras animadas, conellas podrás diferenciar palabras que suenan parecido, a reconocerobjetos, a formar parejas de palabras con sonido similar y a ¡ganarmuchas medallas!.El juego está dividido en 4 módulos de juego distintos, con 150actividades para disfrutar.Tiene dos modos de juego, junto a nuestro simpático Nok oacompañado de un adulto, especial para Logopedas y fonoaudiólogos,o papás que quieran participar en el desarrollo de su hijo.Características principales:- Trabajamos la Discriminación Auditiva Verbal con pares de minimocontraste fonológico.- 4 Módulos de juego, discriminar sonido entre parejas, reconocerobjetos, armar una pareja y discriminar entre 2 parejas.- Más de 90 ilustraciones animadas.- 150 actividades para jugar con las palabras.- Dos modos de juego, puedes jugar con Nok o con un adulto.- Premios para reforzar el aprendizaje positivo.- Sin compras dentro del juego.- Sin anuncios de terceros.Sobre Pitruf-Games:Somos una empresa dedicada al desarrollo de aplicacioneseducativas, tratando que los niños aprendan jugando de un modolúdico e interactivo. Nuestros juegos son seguros, no contienencontenido inapropiado y no incorporan publicidad de terceros . Siquieres conocernos o hacernos preguntas, puedes entrar a nuestrapágina donde encontraras material educativo en o en nuestro facebook : for children 2years and older, who are beginning to speak or who have problemswith pronunciation.Along with Nok you can play with more than 90 animated words withthem you can distinguish words that sound alike, to recognizeobjects, to form pairs of words with similar sound and win manymedals !.The game is divided into 4 different game modules, with 150activities to enjoy.It has two modes of play, with our friendly Nok or accompanied byan adult, especially for speech therapists and speech therapists orparents who want to participate in the development of yourchild.Main features:- Discrimination Auditory Verbal work with minimum phonemiccontrast pairs.- 4 game modules, sound discriminate between couples, recognizeobjects, put together a couple and discriminate between 2couples.- More than 90 animated illustrations.- 150 activities to play with words.- Two game modes, you can play with Nok or an adult.- Awards to reinforce positive learning environment.- No in-game purchases.- No third party advertisements.About Pitruf-Games:We are a company dedicated to developing educational applications,treating children learn by playing a fun and interactive way. Ourgames are safe, contain no inappropriate content and do not includethird-party advertising. If you want to know or ask us questions,you can go to our website where you will find educational materials or our facebook:
Hablando con Nok
Speaking with Nok is an application thatworksAuditory Verbal Discrimination, specifically phonologicalminimalpairs contrast. Promoting and putting into practice theperceptualability to focus on a phonological trait and discriminateothersimilar.This application has over 90 animated illustrations arranged in4Activities.The first two are focused on developing the abilitytodifferentiate the minimal phonological differencesbetweenwords.And the last two have a playful nature, in which the childwillneed to associate and play with word pairs (pairs ofminimumcontrast), and worked on the first two activities.The option to play accompanied by an adult, can handlelowerresponse times and guide attention to the stimulipresented.If you want to see how this App works you can go to thedeveloperwebsite or you can try our Demo.